Opening hours

Konec návštěvní doby je zároveň začátek poslední prohlídky.


1. Winter tour

Period Days Hours
1. 3.-31. 3. mon–fri 11.00 – 13.00
1. 3.-31. 3. sat–sun 10.00 – 14.00
1. 4.-31. 10. closed
1. 11.-30. 11. mon–fri 11.00 – 13.00
1. 11.-30. 11. sat–sun 10.00 – 14.00
1. 12.-31. 12. closed

Winter tour through the representative premises of Bouzov Castle in March and November. Tour route accessible in November and March every weekday at 11.00 and 13.00 hours. The weekend is in operation from 10:00 - 14:00 hours.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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2. The castle presents itself (basic tour)

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. closed
1. 4.-30. 4. mon–sun 9.00 – 15.00
1. 5.-30. 6. mon–sun 9.00 – 16.00
1. 7.-31. 8. mon–sun 9.00 – 17.00
1. 9.-30. 9. mon–sun 9.00 – 16.00
1. 10.-31. 10. mon–sun 9.00 – 15.00
1. 11.-31. 12. closed

The basic tour of the castle for get informations about castle history.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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3. Bouzov castle

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. closed
1. 4.-30. 4. sat–sun 9.30 – 14.30
1. 5. thu 9.30 – 15.30
2. 5.-7. 5. sat–sun 9.30 – 15.30
8. 5. thu 9.30 – 15.30
9. 5.-30. 6. sat–sun 9.30 – 15.30
1. 7.-31. 8. mon–sun 9.30 – 16.30
1. 9.-30. 9. sat–sun 9.30 – 15.30
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 9.30 – 14.30
28. 10. tue 9.30 – 14.30
1. 11.-31. 12. closed

Grand tour take you through the representative and residential areas of the castle that served as the seat of the Teutonic Knights in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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4. The castle presents itself II. (basic tour)

No sheduled time periods

The tour is in operation at a time when due to the closure of the knight's hall, the traffic on the basic circuit of the Castle is restricted.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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5. The castle moat

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-31. 3. closed
1. 4.-30. 4. mon–sun 10.00 – 15.30
1. 5.-30. 6. mon–sun 10.00 – 16.30
1. 7.-31. 8. mon–sun 10.00 – 17.30
1. 9.-31. 10. mon–sun 10.00 – 15.30
1. 11.-31. 12. closed

Walk through the castle moat without a guide.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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6. Children’s route with the Scarlet man

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-30. 4. closed
1. 5. thu 11.30 – 15.00
2. 5.-7. 5. sat–sun 11.30 – 15.00
8. 5. thu 11.30 – 15.00
9. 5.-30. 6. sat–sun 11.30 – 15.00
1. 7.-31. 8. mon–sun 11.30 – 15.00
1. 9.-30. 9. sat–sun 11.30 – 15.00
1. 10.-31. 12. closed

Czech guided tour for children with a fairy-tale figure Scarlet man for pre-school children.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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7. Crisscross the castle Bouzov

Period Days Hours
1. 1.-30. 6. closed
1. 7.-31. 8. mon–sun 10.00 – 13.00
1. 9.-31. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 10.00
1. 11.-31. 12. closed

A special czech guided tour take you through the castle, outside of the basic visitor tour routes.

Information about starting times of individual tours can be found in their descriptions

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